Conducting Kingdom Business

Kingdom-BusinessI met a Kingdom businessman this month.  And, I’m very impressed.

I believe we’re all called to be ambassadors of God’s Kingdom on earth.  We’re called to make known the heart of God for people in and through our sphere of influence and authority.  If we don’t work in/for the church we are “marketplace” ministers.

Jesus didn’t ask any of us to give Him part of our life.  He called you and me to give Him our whole life – all of it, 24/7.

Obviously our work is a big part of our lives, so work is a primary sphere where we can be ministers of God’s Government.  What that means is that in and through everything we do we try to reflect the heart of God.  We endeavour to help people see there is a way to live that’s different than that which is portrayed by this world.

God created, crafted and called us to a way of life in alignment with His heart, and His purposes.  And of course, Jesus made a way for us to be reconciled to our Father so we can live the way we were created to live: full of hope, freedom, life, joy, faith, love, peace, goodness, etc.

So, conducting Kingdom Business is more than just being honest and having integrity.  It’s more than being generous and fair.  It’s all of that, and so much more… in many ways it’s putting hands, feet and a face to God.  Who you are at work, how you do business may be the closest some people ever get to Jesus.

I have recently experienced a great example of that – through a Chiropractor.

It seems I needed some back work.  A good friend of mine referred me to Summit Chiropractic in Kelowna.  I didn’t really want to go.  I didn’t see any great need.  I was ‘fine’.  However, my friend secured some initial complementary sessions for me, so I thought I would go out of respect and appreciation for him.

When I arrived at “Dr. J’s” office I was immediately impressed.  His door had “branding” messages on the glass.  But the messages were “kingdom” messages that sowed faith encouragement and hope.  Words like, “hope”, “life”, “miracles”, “joy”, etc were in different fonts on the door.

When I walked in there was soft upbeat music playing.  When I listened more closely I realized the music was Jesus music – Hillsong’s Cornerstone was playing when I finally recognized what I was listening to.  The office was filled with life, light, joy and hope.  Custom made posters on the walls all promoted the philosophy of Summit with hope and life.  Other posters communicated their commitment to contribute to global charities serving impoverished peoples.

In the waiting room there’s a large screen TV scrolling through customized still images with more messages of hope, life and joy.  Messages like a beautiful forest scene with sun light shining through the trees and the message, “There is always, always, always, always hope.”

Another screen had the message, “Your feelings follow your focus – what are you focusing on?”

Another had a photo of a man with a picture frame around his head speaking to the beauty of God’s design.

Jesus was definitely welcome in this office.   You could see His heart for life, hope, joy, peace and charity everywhere.

I attended an initial orientation session one night with great reticence.  However, this was part of the orientation to help us – the potential patients – understand Jason’s philosophy to Chiropractic care.  His message was rife with enthusiasm, passion, hope, truth, joy, encouragement, education and explicit mention of God’s amazing design of the human body.  “I know this may not be your belief, but I believe we were wonderfully created by God and our bodies are miraculous…”

It’s clearly very important for Summit patients to understand not only the ‘what’ of Chiropractic treatment, but more importantly the ‘why’ behind the work.

Dr. J’s joy, passion, dedication, commitment and conviction for his craft was obvious – he’s on a mission from God.  He’s a Kingdom business owner who sees himself as an ambassador of God’s Kingdom on earth.  He’s in full-time ministry.

Well done my friend!

May we all wholeheartedly conduct Kingdom business!

Colossians 3:23, 24

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

Matthew 16:24-26a

“Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”

1 Peter 2:12

Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.”

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